Glacier Svartisen

Have you ever dreamed of being a polar explorer? Wander over large glaciers, feel the crunch under the cramp, see the crystals glitter in the sunlight when you put the ax fixed? Now you have the chance – with the starting point Bodø.

The biggest glacier in Arctic Norway

The glacier ”Svartisen” is, with its 370 square kilometer, Norway`s second largest glacier. It is also easily accessible as it lies just 20 meters above sea level. Its highest point is at 1.564 meters, and the glacier ”Engenbreen” has an incredible thickness of 450 meters. The name “Svartisen” stems from “svartis”, an ancient word that characterize the intense color of blue on this ice and the contrast to the white snow and the newer ice at the ice plateau itself. However, when you walk at the glacier, you will discover that there are so many other colors as well. From shiny and crystal clear ice to turquoise and different nuances of blue.

Glacier hiking is teamwork put into effect. At a guided tour, all participants will be secured with a rope, and everyone has a common responsibility in ensuring safety. With Bodø as your starting point, the trip to the glacier can be run as a long daytrip or you can spend the night in comfortable cottages, tents or lavvos. The trip will be led by experienced guides. We offer a range of activities from just walking in light terrain near the glacier to ice climbing with all necessary equipment

It takes about an hour of walking to reach the glacier, and the hike will be at a trail in light and beautiful terrain. Thus, glacier hiking is an adventure that will be fitting for almost everyone.